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The Social Change Career Podcast

Nov 26, 2020

Wai Wai Nu has global notoriety as a champion of democracy and human rights as attested by her many accolades including Time Magazine Next Gen Leader; Hillary Clinton Awards; Young Global Leader; Impact Hero by Earth Company, among others. 

In Episode 15 of Season 7 Wai Wai shares her story as a political-prisoner in her native Myanmar. Far from letting her own personal and her family’s ordeal under military dictatorship define her; Wai Wai tells us how she became a lawyer, founded two NGOs and how she has built a career of service championing democracy and human rights for all.

Find out how she uses her Instagram to mobilize Myanmar’s youth for social impact and freedom.

Check out previous seasons & episodes of our Award-Winning Social Change Career Podcast.

*Episode recorded on October 28th , 2020


Key Links:

Wai Wai’s Instagram

Wai Wai’s Linkedin

 #myfriend campaign (selfies for tolerance)


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